Cholera Bwayfa
Right now I'm in Mansa for who knows how long. I can't go back to site until Peace Corps determines that it is safe. The cholera outbreak in Nchelenge was especially bad this year because there were such heavy rains. Cholera is very treatable if one can get to the clinic within the first 24 hours, but some people have to travel 20+km to get to the clinic, and they just don't make it on time. There are also fishermen who stay out on the lake all night fishing which contributes to missing the 24 hour window period. Which is why there is cholera in the Lake. I don't want to leave Kabuta, it feels like home now, but Peace Corps is definitely concerned with my safety first. Luckily there were no cases in Kanyembo, so Libby is safe. So, I'll be in Mansa for a while... at least I'll be able to keep up with my e-mail... and there's geat reception for those of you who want to call.
Kasanka... Up in Here... Up in Here...
Kasanka is a national park in Central Provence... Every year, there is a huge bat migration. There are so many bats that the sky turns black when the move (or so I've been told). Just before coming to Mansa this time, I spent a couple of days at Libbys site in Kanyembo. It was like a wildlife retreat!! There were imposhi outside (biting ants that move by the thousands). The termites that are eating through the hay on the roon (and the bricks as well) were dripping into the bedroom, and the bats... there were so many bats squeeking/screaming in the roof that Libby and I swore it was like Kasanka National Park in her house!! Looking back, it was fun, we were both inside her mosquito net shining our headlamps around to try to scare the bats into scilence (we failed), each trying not to frighten the other while watching bats crawl up the wall!! Of course, I had just taken my mefloquin the day before, so seeing all the insects and bats gave way to two nights of miserable hallucinations. All is all, I think we handled the "infestation" pretty well... at least we can laugh about it.
Be Sure to Always Rinse Twice
I usually do my own laundry, but this past time Eunice (one of my neighbors) came over and took my laundry to wash for me. When I got it back, it was sooooo clean, clearly much cleaner than when I wash my own clothes. I was wondering what her secret was. While I was cycling to Libbys last week, it started to rain as soon as I left... of course. So there I am, the Muzungu cycling in the pouring rain (which draws enough attention), but then, all of the sudden my trousers started foaming!! I guess my clothes were so much cleaner becuase Eunce clearly uses more soap than me. So now, there is a soaking wet Muzungu cycling in foaming trousers with soap bubbles following closely behind!! I'm sure it was quite a site!!
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