Bot Flies.... WHAT!!!
Well, I'm in Mansa for longer than I had expected, for multiple reasons. Mostly to work on TOT stuff (a training of trainers that Libby and a few other volunteers and I are working on for next month), but in the mean time, I got bot flies!! Actually, I got them the night before I came to Mansa. Well, maybe first, I should explain what bot flies are... uh, I'm not quite sure EXACTLY what they are, but from what I can gather, they are bugs that get onto your clothes while they are drying, then when you put them on, they burrow into your skin and stay there until they hatch out.... okay, is anyone else besides me completely grossed out now!?!?
Anyway, I have 14 of them. I stayed at my neighbors sisters place the night before coming in, and she really was just trying to be a good host, so she washed her sheets before I came over. In the end... bot fly city!!! It's all good though, Raven and Joshua were awesome friends and while I played Sudoku, they pulled them out for me (at at least they weren't on my butt... that would have been a bwafya sana-- big problem in Bemba).
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