Lea In Zambia

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hooray For Pictures!!!

I just added 350 pictures to the link on my blog. They are all out of order, and there are a lot of doubles, but they are all there. Every pictures I've taken since I've been in country. I hope you enjoy.


Hi Everyone,

Things in kabuta are going well. I'm busy with my community entry meetings. Of the 7 meetings I had scheduled last week, only 2 have been cencelled. One from a miscommunication in the schedule (bush notes aren't the most reliable), and the second because of a funeral, which sadly occur quite offten in the village. Last week there were 3 in my village alone. 2 children and one man. It was really sad.

On a happier note, one of my "stitch 'n' bitch" groups is taking shape. They call themselves the "Twatasha Women's Group of Chile Village" (Twatasha means 'we thank you' in Bemba). They are eager to learn new patters -- thank you Mama for sending them!! Most of the women in the group are TBA's (traditional birth attendents). So they are one of the primary target groups of people the HAP (HIV/AIDS Program) is interested in reaching. We are working on an action plan for an IGA (income generating activity) to raise money for a new sewing maching. Right now, they are renting one, and after paying the owner of the machine and covering the costs of materials, they are barely breaking even. It's a win-win situation because while the women are stitching, we can talk about HIV/AIDS, PMTCT (pregnant mother to child transmission) and gender issues within Zambia.

The weather here is changing. A couple of days ago, it was too hot to move (luckly, that was on the day that my meeting was cancelled due to a lost bush note). So I was able to sit and practice crocheting on a ried mat in the shade. A few little girls from the village came over and colored while I crochetted. We were all moving as little as possible. It made me feel really lazy just then, writing about how little we were all moving, but literally, it was too hot to move... and for those of you who know me, kow that I'm usually melting when it's anything above 70 degrees!! It's also rained a few times. When that happens the color of the lake changes, exposing the shore line of the Congo. It's really cool!!

My newest past time (aside from crocheting) is pounding groundnuts. My neighbors gave me a small mortar and pessel -- and by small, I mean about 18" tall, not like the tiny ones you put on the counter in the states). Pounding is almost therapeutic in a way. But more importantly, it's the way to awesome peanut butter!!

Just a couple random things... I tested goat! It tasted like chicken, and was much better than caterpillars!! Also, I learned how to light my brasier without using a fire starter, usually with the assistance of my 5 year old neighbor!! And I planted sun flowers, and some of them are actually growing!!!

It's a short entry. I've just finished uploading the rest of my pictures, hopefully I can get them to link to the blog. I'll write soon. I hope all is well with everyone. I miss you all.